$20 Challenge with Alexa

Do you struggle to find and prep meals that are quick, clean and easy? Watch the video below – Alexa goes shopping with $20 to buy the ingredients for a quick clean meal. See below for some pointers from the video you can incorporate into your shopping:

  1. When it comes to protein don’t skimp on quality – and don’t assume that things like organic, grass fed, and wild caught will always cost you an arm and a leg. Be flexible and when you see a good deal, stock up.
  2. Save money on produce by shopping seasonal- fresh produce is much cheaper in season.
  3. Don’t be afraid of the freezer section- especially if you are in a bind for time. While there is a lot of frankenfood in the freezer section, you can also find high quality protein, fruits, and veggies frozen, too. They will save you prep time and sometimes are cheaper than out of season fresh produce.



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